Get Bib New Item Info

GET /api/.../bibliographicrecords/{id}/newiteminfo?shelvingSchemeID={shelvingSchemeID}

Get information required to create a new item record.

Request Information

Name Type Required Description
id Integer Yes Bibliographic Record ID
shelvingSchemeID Integer No Shelving Scheme ID
  • 1 - NoInformation
  • 2 - LibraryOfCongress
  • 3 - DeweyDecimal
  • 4 - NationalLibraryOfMedicine
  • 5 - SuperintendentOfDocuments
  • 6 - ShelvingControlNumber
  • 7 - Title
  • 8 - ShelvedSeparately
  • 9 - Other
  • 10 - Electronic
If not supplied, the default scheme, as specified by the logged on branchs system administration, will be used.

Response Information

application/json, text/json
  "BibliographicRecordID": 6703,
  "ShelvingScheme": 2,
  "Price": "$13.99",
  "Prefix": "",
  "Classification": "PZ7.L7795",
  "Cutter": "Fr",
  "Suffix": "",
  "Volume": "",
  "Copy": ""

HTTP Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK. Success
404 id is invalid