Circulation Items Out Receipt

Get circulation items out receipt URL

GET /api/.../receipts/url?receipttype=itemsout&patronid={id}

Returns an URL of items out receipt template file

Request Information

Name Type Required Description
receipttype String Yes Possible value is "itemsout"
patronid Integer Yes The unique id assigned to the patron.

Response Information


HTTP Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK. Success
400 FAILURE. Bad request, Invalid patron ID or Invalid branch ID
404 Bad request. Patron not found

Get circulation items-out receipt html document

POST /{path}

Name Type Required Description
path String Yes receipt URL returned by "Get circulation items out receipt URL".
Array of integer
Property Type Nullable Description
ItemRecordID Integer No Item record identifier.
application/json, text/json

Response Information

an html document.
Note: content to be printed on the receipt is controled by logon branch's SA value - "Items out receipt options".

Preview of an example html document

        Items Out Receipt
        Saratoga Springs Public Library
        Tuesday, February 25, 2014 1:51:32 PM
        Zhang, TestLeap
        Item: 0000201144276
        Author: Fritz, Jean.
        Call no.: J 951 Fri
        Collection: Children's Nonfiction
        Due: 3/24/2014 11:59:59 PM
        Item: BulkCreate007815207
        Call no.: 
        Collection: Adult Nonfiction
        Due: 3/24/2014 11:59:59 PM

HTTP Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK. Success
401 Unauthorized