GET /api/.../templates/{objectid}/{id}&fullObject=false
Return the contents of a template for the specified object type and ID.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
objectid | Integer | Yes | ID of Object Type to retrieve templates for. Authority = 4, Bibliographic = 5, Item = 6, PO = 49, Reserve Item = 68, Reserve Course = 70, Item Bulk Change Template = 104, Weeding Template = 108. |
id | Integer | Yes | ID of template to retrieve contents for. |
fullObject | Boolean | No | For Item Bulk Change Templates. False is the default and will return a dynamic object containing only the fields that have been changed from the defaults. Setting this to True will return the entire ItemBulkChangeTemplateData object. |
ownerInfoOnly | Boolean | No | For Item Bulk Change Templates. False is the default. Setting this to true will only return the OrganizationOwnerID and CreatorID. |
type | String | No |
For Weeding Templates. Null is the default. Setting this to 'criteria' will return all of the weeding criteria associated with the template.
See Weeding Templates page for more information. |
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"CreationDate": "2023-03-28T16:00:11.223-04:00",
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"ModificationDate": "2023-03-31T08:57:22.417-05:00",
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"DiscardAmounts": [
{ "LanguageID": 1, "LanguageDesc": "English", "Amount": 11.11 }
Code | Description |
200 | OK. Success |
400 | Bad request |
404 | Invalid object ID |