GET /api/.../patrons/{id}
Return general patron data, including registration data.
GET /api/.../patrons/{id}?precheckoutbrief=1&basicdata=1&blockssummary=1&dateinfo=1
Return general patron data, including registration data. Also accepts query string values to dynamically add the patron's pre-checkout brief data and basic data DTOs within the main patron DTO.
The registration data object contains a property called 'PrivateFieldsCleared'. If set to true, the caller did not have either the 'Patron Status: Access' or 'Patron Registration: Access' permissions. Data is returned for checkout purposes, but the addresses, custom data fields, phone numbers, gender, username and password fields are cleared.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
id | Integer | Yes | The unique id assigned to the patron. |
precheckoutbrief | Integer | No | Return DtoPatronPreCheckoutBrief as property of DtoPatron. Set value to 1. |
basicdata | Integer | No | Return DtoPatronBasicData as property of DtoPatron. Set value to 1. |
headerdata | Integer | No | Return DtoPatronHeaderDataEx as property of DtoPatron. Set value to 1. |
blockssummary | Integer | No | Return DtoPatronBlocksSummary as property of DtoPatron. Set value to 1. |
dateinfo | Integer | No | Return DtoPatronDateInfo as property of DtoPatron. Set value to 1. |
regpermissionpriority | Boolean | No | When checking permissions, if set, check registration access before patron status access. Set value to true/false. |
"PatronID": 299377,
"PatronCodeID": 1,
"PatronCode": {
"Code": 1,
"Description": "Regular"
"OrganizationID": 3,
"CreatorID": 578,
"ModifierID": 1,
"Barcode": "21756003332022",
"SystemBlocks": 0,
"YTDCircCount": 144,
"LifetimeCircCount": 165,
"LastActivityDate": "2013-06-20T11:36:57.86",
"ClaimCount": 4,
"LostItemCount": 1,
"ChargesAmount": 55.3,
"CreditsAmount": 17.99,
"Registration": {
"PatronID": 299377,
"LanguageID": 37,
"NameFirst": "Jeffrey",
"NameLast": "Franklin",
"NameMiddle": "D",
"NameTitle": "Mr.",
"NameSuffix": "",
"PhoneVoice1": "315-263-3188",
"PhoneVoice2": "315-263-3188",
"PhoneVoice3": "315-263-3188",
"EmailAddress": "",
"Password": "3188",
"EntryDate": "2006-04-08T16:14:00",
"ExpirationDate": "2021-11-13T10:00:00",
"AddrCheckDate": "2015-05-10T00:00:00",
"UpdateDate": "2013-06-10T19:10:46.517",
"User1": "",
"User2": "",
"User3": "",
"User4": "",
"User5": "Mike",
"Gender": 1,
"Birthdate": null,
"RegistrationDate": "2006-04-07T08:00:00",
"FormerID": "",
"ReadingListEnabled": false,
"PhoneFAX": null,
"DeliveryOptionID": 1,
"StatisticalClassID": 11421,
"PatronStatClassCode": {
"StatisticalClassID": 11421,
"OrganizationID": 90,
"Description": "Saratoga Springs-City"
"CollectionExempt": false,
"AltEmailAddress": null,
"ExcludeFromOverdues": false,
"SDIEmailAddress": null,
"SDIEmailFormatID": null,
"SDIPositiveAssent": true,
"SDIPositiveAssentDate": "2012-04-03T12:53:55.847",
"DeletionExempt": false,
"PatronFullName": "Franklin, Jeffrey D",
"ExcludeFromHolds": false,
"ExcludeFromBills": false,
"EmailFormatID": 1,
"PatronFirstLastName": "Jeffrey D Franklin",
"Username": "youngj7",
"MergeDate": null,
"MergeUserID": null,
"MergeBarcode": null,
"EnableSMS": null,
"RequestPickupBranchID": 3,
"Phone1CarrierID": 28,
"Phone2CarrierID": null,
"Phone3CarrierID": null,
"eReceiptOptionID": null,
"TxtPhoneNumber": null,
"ExcludeFromAlmostOverdueAutoRenew": false,
"ExcludeFromPatronRecExpiration": true,
"ExcludeFromInactivePatron": false,
"PrivateFieldsCleared": false,
"LegalNameFirst": null,
"LegalNameLast": null,
"LegalNameMiddle": null,
"LegalFullName": null,
"UseLegalNameOnNotices": false,
"StaffAcceptedUseSingleName": false,
"EnablePush": false,
"IncreasedCheckOutLimits": false,
"IsInCollection": false,
"Addresses": [
"PatronID": 299377,
"AddressID": 1083201,
"AddressTypeID": 1,
"AddressTypeDescription": " Generic",
"AddressLabelID": "1",
"AddressLabelDescription": "Home",
"Verified": false,
"VerificationDate": null,
"VerificationStatus": 0,
"PolarisUserID": 1,
"StreetOne": "5077 Yellow Wood Parkway",
"StreetTwo": null,
"StreetThree": null,
"MunicipalityName": null,
"PostalCode": "13078",
"ZipPlusFour": "1234",
"State": "NY",
"CountryName": "USA",
"County": null
"PatronID": 299377,
"AddressID": 1083202,
"AddressTypeID": 1,
"AddressTypeDescription": " Generic",
"AddressLabelID": "1",
"AddressLabelDescription": "Home",
"Verified": false,
"VerificationDate": null,
"VerificationStatus": 0,
"PolarisUserID": 1,
"StreetOne": "103 Commerce Blvd., Suite A",
"StreetTwo": null,
"StreetThree": null,
"MunicipalityName": null,
"PostalCode": "13088",
"ZipPlusFour": "1234",
"City": "LIVERPOOL",
"State": "NY",
"CountryName": "USA",
"County": null
"PatronCodeID": 1,
"PatronCode": {
"Code": 1,
"Description": "Regular"
"OrganizationID": 3,
"CreatorID": 578,
"ModifierID": 1,
"Barcode": "21756003332022",
"SystemBlocks": 0,
"YTDCircCount": 144,
"LifetimeCircCount": 165,
"LastActivityDate": "2013-06-20T11:36:57.86",
"ClaimCount": 4,
"LostItemCount": 1,
"ChargesAmount": 55.3,
"CreditsAmount": 17.99,
"Registration": {
"PatronID": 299377,
"LanguageID": 37,
"NameFirst": "Jeffrey",
"NameLast": "Franklin",
"NameMiddle": "D",
"NameTitle": "Mr.",
"NameSuffix": "",
"PhoneVoice1": "315-263-3188",
"PhoneVoice2": "315-263-3188",
"PhoneVoice3": "315-263-3188",
"EmailAddress": "",
"Password": "3188",
"EntryDate": "2006-04-08T16:14:00",
"ExpirationDate": "2021-11-13T10:00:00",
"AddrCheckDate": "2015-05-10T00:00:00",
"UpdateDate": "2013-06-10T19:10:46.517",
"User1": "",
"User2": "",
"User3": "",
"User4": "",
"User5": "Mike",
"Gender": 1,
"Birthdate": null,
"RegistrationDate": "2006-04-07T08:00:00",
"FormerID": "",
"ReadingListEnabled": false,
"PhoneFAX": null,
"DeliveryOptionID": 1,
"StatisticalClassID": 11421,
"PatronStatClassCode": {
"StatisticalClassID": 11421,
"OrganizationID": 90,
"Description": "Saratoga Springs-City"
"CollectionExempt": false,
"AltEmailAddress": null,
"ExcludeFromOverdues": false,
"SDIEmailAddress": null,
"SDIEmailFormatID": null,
"SDIPositiveAssent": true,
"SDIPositiveAssentDate": "2012-04-03T12:53:55.847",
"DeletionExempt": false,
"PatronFullName": "Franklin, Jeffrey D",
"ExcludeFromHolds": false,
"ExcludeFromBills": false,
"EmailFormatID": 1,
"PatronFirstLastName": "Jeffrey D Franklin",
"Username": "youngj7",
"MergeDate": null,
"MergeUserID": null,
"MergeBarcode": null,
"EnableSMS": null,
"RequestPickupBranchID": 3,
"Phone1CarrierID": 28,
"Phone2CarrierID": null,
"Phone3CarrierID": null,
"eReceiptOptionID": null,
"TxtPhoneNumber": null,
"LegalNameFirst": null,
"LegalNameLast": null,
"LegalNameMiddle": null,
"LegalFullName": null,
"UseLegalNameOnNotices": false,
"StaffAcceptedUseSingleName": false,
"EnablePush": true,
"IncreasedCheckOutLimits": false,
"IsInCollection": false,
"Addresses": [
"PatronID": 299377,
"AddressID": 1083201,
"AddressTypeID": 1,
"AddressTypeDescription": " Generic",
"AddressLabelID": "1",
"AddressLabelDescription": "Home",
"Verified": false,
"VerificationDate": null,
"VerificationStatus": 0,
"PolarisUserID": 1,
"StreetOne": "5077 Yellow Wood Parkway",
"StreetTwo": null,
"StreetThree": null,
"MunicipalityName": null,
"PostalCode": "13078",
"ZipPlusFour": "1234",
"State": "NY",
"CountryName": "USA",
"County": null
"PatronID": 299377,
"AddressID": 1083202,
"AddressTypeID": 1,
"AddressTypeDescription": " Generic",
"AddressLabelID": "1",
"AddressLabelDescription": "Home",
"Verified": false,
"VerificationDate": null,
"VerificationStatus": 0,
"PolarisUserID": 1,
"StreetOne": "103 Commerce Blvd., Suite A",
"StreetTwo": null,
"StreetThree": null,
"MunicipalityName": null,
"PostalCode": "13088",
"ZipPlusFour": "1234",
"City": "LIVERPOOL",
"State": "NY",
"CountryName": "USA",
"County": null
"DtoPatronPreCheckoutBrief": {
"PatronBlocksCount": 1,
"PatronNotesExist": true,
"OverdueItemsCount": 0,
"ItemsOutCount": 6,
"OutstandingFines": 55.3,
"OverallClaimCount": 4,
"CurrentClaimCount": 11,
"SystemBlockFlags": 0,
"FreeTextBlocksCount": 1,
"OverallLostCount": 1,
"CurrentLostCount": 1,
"LongOverdueItemsCount": 0,
"PatronAssociationsCount": 1,
"DtoPatronBasicData": {
"PatronID": 299377,
"Username": "youngj7",
"Password": "3188",
"NameFirst": "Jeffrey",
"NameLast": "Franklin",
"NameMiddle": "D",
"LanguageID": 37,
"DeliveryOptionID": 1,
"ReadingListEnabled": false,
"EmailFormatID": 1,
"RequestPickupBranchID": 3,
"PhoneNumber": "315-263-3188",
"Phone1": "315-263-3188",
"Phone2": "315-263-3188",
"Phone3": "315-263-3188",
"EMail": "",
"AltEMail": null,
"PhoneFax": null,
"SMSEnabled": false,
"CarrierName": null,
"IsActiveORSPatron": true,
"ItemsOutCount": 6,
"ItemsOverdueCount": 0,
"ItemsOutLostCount": 1,
"HoldRequestsCurrentCount": 0
"HoldRequestsHeldCount": 2
"HoldRequestsILLHeldCount": 0
"HoldRequestsILLTotalCount": 0
"HoldRequestsLocalHeldCount": 2
"HoldRequestsLocalTotalCount": 12
"HoldRequestsShippedCount": 4
"HoldRequestsTotalCount": 12
"HoldRequestsUnclaimedCount": 3
"ChargeBalance": 55.3,
"CreditBalance": 17.99,
"DepositBalance": 1,
"Email2SMSAddress": null,
"EReceiptOptionID": null,
"Phone1CarrierID": 28,
"Phone2CarrierID": 0,
"Phone3CarrierID": 0,
"TxtPhoneNumber": 0,
"DMLID": 38,
"Addresses": [
"AddressID": 1083201,
"AddressLabelDescription": "Home",
"StreetOne": "5077 Yellow Wood Parkway",
"StreetTwo": null,
"StreetThree": null,
"State": "NY",
"County": "",
"PostalCode": "13078",
"ZipPlusFour": null,
"Country": "USA",
"CountryID": 1,
"AddressTypeID": 0
"AddressID": 1083202,
"AddressLabelDescription": "Home",
"StreetOne": "103 Commerce Blvd., Suite A",
"StreetTwo": null,
"StreetThree": null,
"City": "LIVERPOOL",
"State": "NY",
"County": "",
"PostalCode": "13088",
"ZipPlusFour": null,
"Country": "USA",
"CountryID": 1,
"AddressTypeID": 0
"DtoPatronHeaderDataEx": {
"PatronInof": [
"FreeTextLabel": "Patron name:",
"Value": "Mr. Jeffrey D Franklin Jr.",
"ValueType": "String"
"FreeTextLabel": "Patron barcode:",
"Value": "21756003332022",
"ValueType": "String"
"FreeTextLabel": "Patron code:",
"Value": "Juvenile",
"ValueType": "String"
"FreeTextLabel": "Registered branch:",
"Value": "Ballston Spa Public Library",
"ValueType": "String"
"FreeTextLabel": "Expiration date:",
"Value": "2017-08-09T00:00:00-04:00",
"ValueType": "DateTime"
"FreeTextLabel": "Email address:",
"Value": "",
"ValueType": "String"
"FreeTextLabel": "Statistical class:",
"Value": "Bleecker-Town outside GESD",
"ValueType": "String"
"FreeTextLabel": "Registration date:",
"Value": null,
"ValueType": "String"
"FreeTextLabel": "eReceipt:",
"Value": "No",
"ValueType": "String"
"PatronStatus": [
"FreeTextLabel": "Acct charges:",
"Value": "55.3",
"ValueType": "Decimal"
"FreeTextLabel": "Acct credit:",
"Value": "17.99",
"ValueType": "Decimal"
"FreeTextLabel": "Items out:",
"Value": "2",
"ValueType": "String"
"FreeTextLabel": "Total overdue:",
"Value": "2",
"ValueType": "String"
"FreeTextLabel": "Claims/Lost:",
"Value": "4/1",
"ValueType": "String"
"FreeTextLabel": "Items held:",
"Value": "5",
"ValueType": "String"
"FreeTextLabel": "Total holds/ILL:",
"Value": "12/0",
"ValueType": "String"
"PatronFullName":"Franklin, Jeffrey D",
"BlockDescription":"Patron owes money. Amount due: $81.80"
"PatronFullName":"Franklin, Jeffrey D",
"BlockDescription":"Patron has exceeded maximum fees permitted. Amount due: $81.80"
"Creator":"OPAC Default",
Code | Description |
200 | OK. Success |