Update Purchase Order

PUT /api/.../purchaseorders/{id}

Update purchase order.

Request Information

Name Type Required Description
id Integer Yes The unique id assigned to the Purchase Order.
dtoPurchaseOrderUpdateInfo Purchase Order Yes Define this parameter in the request body.
Property Type Nullable Description
PurchaseOrderID Int No The unique id assigned to the Purchase Order.
AutoCancelInd Boolean Yes Default flag to determine if lines should be included in overnight cancellation processing
BackorderInstrID Int Yes Polaris assigned unique ID number for the purchase order record.
BindingSubInstrID Int Yes ID number for linked binding substitution instructions to supplier.
CanNoticeInd Boolean Yes Default flag to determine if lines should have cancellation notices generated in overnight cancellation processing.
CanWtPer Int Yes Default number of days after last claim is generated that the lines should be automatically cancelled during overnight processing.
CatServInstrID Int Yes ID number for linked cataloging services instructions to supplier.
ClmWtPer1 Short Yes The number of days to wait after a purchase order is released before the first claim.
ClmWtPer2 Short Yes Number of days to wait after first claim before sending a second.
ClmWtPer3 Short Yes Number of days to wait after second claim before sending a third.
ClmWtPer4 Short Yes Number of days to wait after third claim before sending a fourth.
ClmWtPer5 Short Yes Number of days to wait after fourth claim before sending a fifth.
ClmNoticeInd Boolean Yes Default flag to determine if lines should have claim notices generated in overnight claim processing.
DelBillInstr Short Yes Reflects a delayed billing arrangement between the library or branch and the supplier, or other special billing terms(represents the month which billing for an item(s) should begin).
DiscRate Decimal Yes Discount rate applied to the line item.
EDIFileCreateDateTime DateTime Yes System generated date & time that a BISAC file for this order was created.
EDIFileName String Yes Name of the BISAC file created for this order.
ExternalID String Yes Used to hold the PO# from an external accounting system.
InstrSupp String Yes Free text field for instructions to supplier/vendor.
InvCopies Int Yes Number of copies of invoice the supplier should send.
InvDeliveryMethID Int Yes ID number for linked invoice delivery method instructions to supplier.
InvSequencingID Int Yes ID number for linked invoice sequencing instructions to supplier.
IsTemplate Boolean No This element determines whether or not the PO is a template or an actual PO.
ModifierID Int Yes Polaris User ID of user that last modified this record.
ModificationDate DateTime Yes System generated date & time the record was last modified.
OrderTypeID Int Yes ID number for linked purchase order type.
OrganizationID Int Yes ID number of organization that created/placed the order.
MaxClaims Short Yes The number of claims that will be made against an item before it is canceled, or other action taken.
MembershipRenewalDate DateTime Yes The date on which a membership is due for renewal.
OrderCancelInstr DateTime Yes Instructions to the supplier about the date that an order should be canceled, if the item is not currently available. Its format is date or period of time
OrderStatusID Int No ID number for linked backorder instructions to supplier.
OriginalPONumber String Yes The original purchase order number
OriginalPONumberSuf String Yes The original purchase order number suffix
PaymentMethodID Int Yes ID number for linked payment method.
PlanName String Yes Name of the plan associated with the purchase order.
PONote String Yes Free text feild for notes related to the purchase order.
POAddChrgsSubtotBase Decimal Yes Subtotal of additional charges associated with the order in the base currency of the library.
POAuthorization String Yes Name of person authorized to allow purchase orders to be released.
POConfirmDate DateTime Yes The date upon which the library received confirmation from a supplier/vendor that the order had been received.
POGrndTotBase Decimal Yes Purchase Order grand total in library's base currency.
POMaterSubtotBase Decimal Yes Accumulated "Total Discount Price" for all lines on the purchase order in the library's base currency.
POMaterSubtotBase Decimal Yes Accumulated "Total Discount Price" for all lines on the purchase order in the library's base currency.
PONumber String Yes Library or system assigned purchase order number.
PONumberSuf String Yes Suffix to a purchase order number.
Prepaid Int Yes Indicating if the payment method is prepaid or not.
ReleaseDate DateTime Yes Date that purchase order was released on.
RentalReturnDate DateTime Yes Return date for any rented materials.
Resale Boolean No Flag stating whether or not items on the purchase order are for resale.(0=NO(default)/1=YES).
SalesTax1Base Decimal Yes Main sales tax associated with this order in the base currency of the library.
SalesTaxRate1 Decimal Yes The standard sales tax rate associated with purchasing items from a particular supplier.
ShipDate DateTime Yes Instructions to the supplier about the earliest date an order is to be shipped.
ShippingMethodID Int Yes ID number for linked shipping method instructions to supplier.
SupplierID Int No ID number of supplier to which the order was sent.
TemplateName String Yes A user-assigned name that uniquely identifies a purchase order template
StatusDate DateTime No The date on which the purchase order status was entered
application/json, text/json
  "PurchaseOrderID": 6865,
  "ModifierID": 1,
  "SupplierID": 84,
  "OrganizationID": 101,
  "BackorderInstrID": null,
  "BindingSubInstrID": null,
  "EDIFileName": null,
  "EDIFileCreateDateTime": null,
  "CatServInstrID": null,
  "ClmWtPer1": null,
  "ClmWtPer2": null,
  "ClmWtPer3": null,
  "ClmWtPer4": null,
  "ClmWtPer5": null,
  "DelBillInstr": null,
  "DiscRate": 40,
  "InstrSupp": null,
  "InvDeliveryMethID": null,
  "InvCopies": 1,
  "InvSequencingID": null,
  "IsTemplate": false,
  "ModificationDate": "2021-09-28T15:02:10.293-04:00",
  "MaxClaims": 0,
  "MembershipRenewalDate": null,
  "PONote": null,
  "OrderCancelInstr": null,
  "OrderTypeID": 3,
  "PaymentMethodID": 8,
  "PlanName": null,
  "POAddChrgsSubtotBase": 0,
  "POAuthorization": null,
  "POConfirmDate": null,
  "POGrndTotBase": 8.04,
  "POMaterSubtotBase": 7.18,
  "PONumber": "SAL587",
  "PONumberSuf": "bwi",
  "ReleaseDate": null,
  "RentalReturnDate": null,
  "SalesTax1Base": 0.86,
  "SalesTaxRate1": 12,
  "ShipDate": null,
  "ShippingMethodID": null,
  "TemplateName": null,
  "Prepaid": 0,
  "OrderStatusID": 4,
  "StatusDate": "2008-04-27T19:28:00-04:00",
  "ClmNoticeInd": false,
  "CanNoticeInd": false,
  "AutoCancelInd": false,
  "CanWtPer": null,
  "ExternalID": null,
  "OriginalPONumber": null,
  "OriginalPONumberSuf": null

Response Information

True is returned upon success.

application/json, text/json

HTTP Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK. Success
  • Bad request
  • Invalid purchase order ID

Required Permissions

Permission IDs found here.
