PUT /api/.../purchaseorders/{id}
Update purchase order.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
id | Integer | Yes | The unique id assigned to the Purchase Order. |
dtoPurchaseOrderUpdateInfo | Purchase Order | Yes | Define this parameter in the request body. |
Property | Type | Nullable | Description |
PurchaseOrderID | Int | No | The unique id assigned to the Purchase Order. |
AutoCancelInd | Boolean | Yes | Default flag to determine if lines should be included in overnight cancellation processing |
BackorderInstrID | Int | Yes | Polaris assigned unique ID number for the purchase order record. |
BindingSubInstrID | Int | Yes | ID number for linked binding substitution instructions to supplier. |
CanNoticeInd | Boolean | Yes | Default flag to determine if lines should have cancellation notices generated in overnight cancellation processing. |
CanWtPer | Int | Yes | Default number of days after last claim is generated that the lines should be automatically cancelled during overnight processing. |
CatServInstrID | Int | Yes | ID number for linked cataloging services instructions to supplier. |
ClmWtPer1 | Short | Yes | The number of days to wait after a purchase order is released before the first claim. |
ClmWtPer2 | Short | Yes | Number of days to wait after first claim before sending a second. |
ClmWtPer3 | Short | Yes | Number of days to wait after second claim before sending a third. |
ClmWtPer4 | Short | Yes | Number of days to wait after third claim before sending a fourth. |
ClmWtPer5 | Short | Yes | Number of days to wait after fourth claim before sending a fifth. |
ClmNoticeInd | Boolean | Yes | Default flag to determine if lines should have claim notices generated in overnight claim processing. |
DelBillInstr | Short | Yes | Reflects a delayed billing arrangement between the library or branch and the supplier, or other special billing terms(represents the month which billing for an item(s) should begin). |
DiscRate | Decimal | Yes | Discount rate applied to the line item. |
EDIFileCreateDateTime | DateTime | Yes | System generated date & time that a BISAC file for this order was created. |
EDIFileName | String | Yes | Name of the BISAC file created for this order. |
ExternalID | String | Yes | Used to hold the PO# from an external accounting system. |
InstrSupp | String | Yes | Free text field for instructions to supplier/vendor. |
InvCopies | Int | Yes | Number of copies of invoice the supplier should send. |
InvDeliveryMethID | Int | Yes | ID number for linked invoice delivery method instructions to supplier. |
InvSequencingID | Int | Yes | ID number for linked invoice sequencing instructions to supplier. |
IsTemplate | Boolean | No | This element determines whether or not the PO is a template or an actual PO. |
ModifierID | Int | Yes | Polaris User ID of user that last modified this record. |
ModificationDate | DateTime | Yes | System generated date & time the record was last modified. |
OrderTypeID | Int | Yes | ID number for linked purchase order type. |
OrganizationID | Int | Yes | ID number of organization that created/placed the order. |
MaxClaims | Short | Yes | The number of claims that will be made against an item before it is canceled, or other action taken. |
MembershipRenewalDate | DateTime | Yes | The date on which a membership is due for renewal. |
OrderCancelInstr | DateTime | Yes | Instructions to the supplier about the date that an order should be canceled, if the item is not currently available. Its format is date or period of time |
OrderStatusID | Int | No | ID number for linked backorder instructions to supplier. |
OriginalPONumber | String | Yes | The original purchase order number |
OriginalPONumberSuf | String | Yes | The original purchase order number suffix |
PaymentMethodID | Int | Yes | ID number for linked payment method. |
PlanName | String | Yes | Name of the plan associated with the purchase order. |
PONote | String | Yes | Free text feild for notes related to the purchase order. |
POAddChrgsSubtotBase | Decimal | Yes | Subtotal of additional charges associated with the order in the base currency of the library. |
POAuthorization | String | Yes | Name of person authorized to allow purchase orders to be released. |
POConfirmDate | DateTime | Yes | The date upon which the library received confirmation from a supplier/vendor that the order had been received. |
POGrndTotBase | Decimal | Yes | Purchase Order grand total in library's base currency. |
POMaterSubtotBase | Decimal | Yes | Accumulated "Total Discount Price" for all lines on the purchase order in the library's base currency. |
POMaterSubtotBase | Decimal | Yes | Accumulated "Total Discount Price" for all lines on the purchase order in the library's base currency. |
PONumber | String | Yes | Library or system assigned purchase order number. |
PONumberSuf | String | Yes | Suffix to a purchase order number. |
Prepaid | Int | Yes | Indicating if the payment method is prepaid or not. |
ReleaseDate | DateTime | Yes | Date that purchase order was released on. |
RentalReturnDate | DateTime | Yes | Return date for any rented materials. |
Resale | Boolean | No | Flag stating whether or not items on the purchase order are for resale.(0=NO(default)/1=YES). |
SalesTax1Base | Decimal | Yes | Main sales tax associated with this order in the base currency of the library. |
SalesTaxRate1 | Decimal | Yes | The standard sales tax rate associated with purchasing items from a particular supplier. |
ShipDate | DateTime | Yes | Instructions to the supplier about the earliest date an order is to be shipped. |
ShippingMethodID | Int | Yes | ID number for linked shipping method instructions to supplier. |
SupplierID | Int | No | ID number of supplier to which the order was sent. |
TemplateName | String | Yes | A user-assigned name that uniquely identifies a purchase order template |
StatusDate | DateTime | No | The date on which the purchase order status was entered |
"PurchaseOrderID": 6865,
"ModifierID": 1,
"SupplierID": 84,
"OrganizationID": 101,
"BackorderInstrID": null,
"BindingSubInstrID": null,
"EDIFileName": null,
"EDIFileCreateDateTime": null,
"CatServInstrID": null,
"ClmWtPer1": null,
"ClmWtPer2": null,
"ClmWtPer3": null,
"ClmWtPer4": null,
"ClmWtPer5": null,
"DelBillInstr": null,
"DiscRate": 40,
"InstrSupp": null,
"InvDeliveryMethID": null,
"InvCopies": 1,
"InvSequencingID": null,
"IsTemplate": false,
"ModificationDate": "2021-09-28T15:02:10.293-04:00",
"MaxClaims": 0,
"MembershipRenewalDate": null,
"PONote": null,
"OrderCancelInstr": null,
"OrderTypeID": 3,
"PaymentMethodID": 8,
"PlanName": null,
"POAddChrgsSubtotBase": 0,
"POAuthorization": null,
"POConfirmDate": null,
"POGrndTotBase": 8.04,
"POMaterSubtotBase": 7.18,
"PONumber": "SAL587",
"PONumberSuf": "bwi",
"ReleaseDate": null,
"RentalReturnDate": null,
"SalesTax1Base": 0.86,
"SalesTaxRate1": 12,
"ShipDate": null,
"ShippingMethodID": null,
"TemplateName": null,
"Prepaid": 0,
"OrderStatusID": 4,
"StatusDate": "2008-04-27T19:28:00-04:00",
"ClmNoticeInd": false,
"CanNoticeInd": false,
"AutoCancelInd": false,
"CanWtPer": null,
"ExternalID": null,
"OriginalPONumber": null,
"OriginalPONumberSuf": null
True is returned upon success.
Code | Description |
200 | OK. Success |
400 |
Permission IDs found here.
CR_AccessAcquisitions_Allow CR_PurchaseOrders_Access CR_PurchaseOrders_Modify