Secure/Release Patron Record

Secure Patron Record

PATCH /api/.../patrons/{id}

When you secure a patron record, all circulation and payment activity, and most other patron record updates, are prevented in both the staff client and the PACs (PowerPAC, Mobile PAC, and Children's PAC).

The patron status object locked must be acquired before securing the record.



Request Information

Name Type Required Description
id Integer Yes The unique id assigned to the patron code. Used to return a single object.
Request Body

The PATCH data object contains the name/value pairs of the properties to update. For securing a patron, the RecordStatus must be set to 3 (secured).

application/json, text/json

Response Information

On success, returns new record status date.

Example Success
application/json, text/json
Example Error
application/json, text/json
    "Message":"Patron record is locked by another user and may not be secured.",

HTTP Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK. Success
400 Bad Request. Unable to secure patron record.
403 Forbidden. User does not have permission.
404 Not Found. Patron not found

Release Patron Record

PATCH /api/.../patrons/{id}

Release a patron record.

The patron status object locked must be acquired before releasing the record.



Request Information

Name Type Required Description
id Integer Yes The unique id assigned to the patron code. Used to return a single object.
Request Body

The PATCH data object contains the name/value pairs of the properties to update. For releasing a patron, the RecordStatus must be set to 1 (final).

application/json, text/json

Response Information

Example Error
application/json, text/json
    "Message":"Patron record is locked by another user and may not be released.",

HTTP Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK. Success
400 Bad Request. Unable to release patron record.
403 Forbidden. User does not have permission.
404 Not Found. Patron not found