Import Jobs

Update Import Profile

PUT /api/.../importprofiles/{id}

Update an import profile.

Request Information

Name Type Required Description
id Integer Yes The unique id assigned to import profile.
Import Profile Data DtoImportProfileData Yes Define this parameter in the request body.
Property Type Nullable Description
ProfileName string No The unique name assigned to the import profile.
ProfileDescription string Yes The description of the import profile.
VendorAccountID int Yes The unique id assigned to a vendor account.
Bibliographic Records
BibRecordSaveOptionID int No The bibliographic record save option.
* 1 (do not save)
* 2 (save as provisional)
* 3 (save as final)
BibDisplayInPAC bool No Should the "DisplayInPAC" setting on the bibliographic record be enabled.
BibDoNotOverlay bool No Should the "DoNotOverlay" setting on the bibliographic record be enabled.
BibRecordOwnerID int Yes The unique id assigned to an organization.
BibDeleteMARCTags bool No Should MARC tags be deleted.
BibUseSystemDefinedDeletionTags bool No Should system-defined deletion tags be used.
* true (system-defined)
* false (profile-defined)
BibProfileDeleteRules List of DtoMARCRetentionRule No List of MARC tag rules used for deletion defined by the profile.
BibMARCValidationOptionID int Yes The MARC validation option.
* 1 (no validation)
* 2 (save invalid as provisional)
* 3 (save invalid as final)
BibAuthorityControlOptionID int No The Authority Control option.
* 1 (no authority control)
* 2 (generate authority record)
* 3 (do not generate authority record; save final)
* 4 (do not generate authority record; save provisional)
BibUseSystemDuplicateDetectionRules bool No Should system-defined duplicate detection rules be used.
* true (system-defined)
* false (profile-defined)
BibProfileDuplicateDetectionRules List of int No List of duplicate detection rule identifiers to link to the profile.
BibDuplicateOptionID int No The duplicate detection option.
* 1 (no duplicate detection)
* 2 (save incoming record as provisional)
* 3 (save incoming record as final; do not replace database record)
* 4 (save incoming record as final; replace database record)
* 5 (save record with highest encoding level)
* 6 (reject incoming record; add MARC retention tags to database record)
ImportEncodingCheckBibOptionID int No The encoding validation option.
Requires: BibDuplicateOptionID = 5 (save record with highest encoding level)
* 1 (no encoding check)
* 2 (save incoming record as final; replace database record)
* 3 (reject incoming record)
* 4 (save incoming record as provisional)
BibRetentionMARCTags bool No Should the MARC validation be enabled.
BibUseSystemDefinedRetentionTags bool No Should system-defined retention tags be used.
* true (system-defined)
* false (profile-defined)
BibProfileRetentionTags List of DtoMARCRetentionRule No List of MARC tag rules used for retention defined by the profile.
Property Type Nullable Description
TagNumber int Yes The unique id assigned to a vendor account.
Description string Yes The description of the rule.
IndicatorOneValues string Yes The comma delimited list of indicator one values.
IndicatorTwoValues string Yes The comma delimited list of indicator two values.
Property Type Nullable Description
DuplicateDetectionRule string No The rule definition.
RuleDesc string Yes The description of the rule.

Response Information

Returns no content or an exception

HTTP Response Codes

Code Description
204 No Content. Success
403 Forbidden. Permission(s) not granted.
404 Import profile not found.