Get Linked Purchase Orders

Get the purchase orders linked to a Bibliographic Record.

GET /api/.../bibliographicrecords/{id}/purchaseorders

This returns summary information for each linked purchase order and is intended to be used in a list view display.

Request Information

Name Type Required Description
id Integer Yes Bibliographic Record ID

Response Information

application/json, text/json
    "PurchaseOrderID": 4751,
    "PONumber": "SR3494444444444444444444444444",
    "Suffix": "33333333",
    "Type": "Firm Order",
    "Status": "Closed",
    "StatusID": 2,
    "Date": "2014-05-21T14:42:24.22+02:00",
    "Supplier": "ENSLOW PUBS.",
    "Total": 12,
    "NumberOfLines": 1
    "PurchaseOrderID": 4756,
    "PONumber": "so 1",
    "Suffix": "JR",
    "Type": "Firm Order",
    "Status": "Closed",
    "StatusID": 2,
    "Date": "2014-05-21T14:42:24.22+02:00",
    "Supplier": "ENSLOW PUBS.",
    "Total": 29,
    "NumberOfLines": 2

HTTP Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK. Success
404 Not found. ID is invalid