Item Templates

Create Item Template

POST /api/.../templates/{objectid}

Creates an item template.

Name Type Required Description
objectid Integer Yes ID of Object Type to create bulk change templates for: Item Template = 6.
Property Type Nullable Description
SystemWideOwnerID Int32 Yes  
CallNumberPrefix String Yes  
ClassificationNumber String Yes  
CutterNumber String Yes  
CallNumberSuffix String Yes  
CopyNumber String Yes  
VolumeNumber String Yes  
TemporaryShelfLocation String Yes  
PublicNote String Yes  
NonPublicNote String Yes  
Price Decimal Yes  
LoanableOutsideSystem Boolean No  
NonCirculating Boolean No  
RenewalLimit Int32 Yes  
Holdable Boolean No  
HoldableByPickup Boolean No  
HoldPickupBranchID Int32 No  
HoldableByLibrary Boolean No  
HoldableByBranch Boolean No  
HoldableByPrimaryLender Boolean No  
PhysicalCondition String Yes  
NameOfPiece String Yes  
FundingSource String Yes  
ShelvingSchemeID Int32 Yes  
ItemStatusID Int32 Yes  
AssociatedBibRecordID Int32 Yes  
ParentItemRecordID Int32 Yes  
AssignedBranchID Int32 Yes  
AssignedCollectionID Int32 Yes  
MaterialTypeID Int32 Yes  
FreeTextBlock String Yes  
ManualBlockID Int32 Yes  
FineCodeID Int32 Yes  
LoanPeriodCodeID Int32 Yes  
StatisticalCodeID Int32 Yes  
ShelfLocationID Int32 Yes  
DisplayInPAC Boolean No  
Name String No Required.
OrganizationOwnerID Int32 Yes  
ReserveAssignedBranchID Int32 Yes  
ReserveAssignedCollectionID Int32 Yes  
ReserveShelfLocationID Int32 Yes  
ReserveLoanPeriodCodeID Int32 Yes  
ReserveFineCodeID Int32 Yes  
ReserveRenewalLimit Int32 No  
ReserveHoldable Int32 No  
CopyRightFeeRequired Boolean Yes  
CopyrightCompliance Int32 Yes  
CopyrightFee Decimal Yes  
CopyrightFeePaid Boolean Yes  
LimitedToLibUse Boolean Yes  
LibraryCopy Boolean No  
DeleteWhenDone Boolean No  
ActionWhenDone Int32 Yes  
RequiresFullCataloging Boolean Yes  
Purchase Boolean No  
ReserveStatus Int32 No  
StartDate DateTime Yes  
EndDate DateTime Yes  
Note String Yes  
HomeBranchID Int32 Yes  
ItemDoesNotFloat Boolean No  
DonorFirstName String Yes  
DonorMiddleName String Yes  
DonorLastName String Yes  
DonorCorporateName String Yes  
DoNotMailToPatron Boolean No  
DelayedHoldsFlag Boolean No  
DelayedNumberOfDays Int32 Yes  
LanguageID Int16 Yes  
Request body
application/json, text/json
  "SystemWideOwnerID": 5,
  "CallNumberPrefix": null,
  "ClassificationNumber": null,
  "CutterNumber": null,
  "CallNumberSuffix": null,
  "CopyNumber": null,
  "VolumeNumber": null,
  "TemporaryShelfLocation": null,
  "PublicNote": null,
  "NonPublicNote": null,
  "Price": null,
  "LoanableOutsideSystem": false,
  "NonCirculating": false,
  "RenewalLimit": 0,
  "Holdable": true,
  "HoldableByPickup": true,
  "HoldPickupBranchID": 5,
  "HoldableByLibrary": false,
  "HoldableByBranch": false,
  "HoldableByPrimaryLender": false,
  "PhysicalCondition": null,
  "NameOfPiece": null,
  "FundingSource": null,
  "ShelvingSchemeID": 0,
  "ItemStatusID": 15,
  "AssociatedBibRecordID": 0,
  "ParentItemRecordID": 0,
  "AssignedBranchID": 5,
  "AssignedCollectionID": 11,
  "MaterialTypeID": 6,
  "FreeTextBlock": null,
  "ManualBlockID": 0,
  "FineCodeID": 15,
  "LoanPeriodCodeID": 3,
  "StatisticalCodeID": 5,
  "ShelfLocationID": 0,
  "DisplayInPAC": true,
  "Name": "Adult Music",
  "OrganizationOwnerID": 5,
  "ReserveAssignedBranchID": 0,
  "ReserveAssignedCollectionID": 0,
  "ReserveShelfLocationID": 0,
  "ReserveLoanPeriodCodeID": 0,
  "ReserveFineCodeID": 0,
  "ReserveRenewalLimit": 0,
  "ReserveHoldable": 0,
  "CopyRightFeeRequired": false,
  "CopyrightCompliance": 0,
  "CopyrightFee": null,
  "CopyrightFeePaid": false,
  "LimitedToLibUse": false,
  "LibraryCopy": false,
  "DeleteWhenDone": false,
  "ActionWhenDone": 0,
  "RequiresFullCataloging": false,
  "Purchase": false,
  "ReserveStatus": 1,
  "StartDate": null,
  "EndDate": null,
  "Note": null,
  "HomeBranchID": 5,
  "ItemDoesNotFloat": false,
  "DonorFirstName": "Iam",
  "DonorMiddleName": "B.",
  "DonorLastName": "Given",
  "DonorCorporateName": "Iam B. Given Foundation",
  "DoNotMailToPatron": false,
  "DelayedHoldsFlag": false,
  "DelayedNumberOfDays": null,
  "LanguageID": 2

Response Information

Returns a ItemTemplateID, an unique ID

application/json, text/json

HTTP Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK. Success
400 Bad request
404 Invalid object ID

Update Item Template

PUT /api/.../templates/{objectid}/{id}

Update an item template.

Name Type Required Description
objectid Integer Yes ID of Object Type to create bulk change templates for: Item Template = 6.
id Integer Yes ID of template to update.
Property Type Nullable Description
SystemWideOwnerID Int32 Yes  
CallNumberPrefix String Yes  
ClassificationNumber String Yes  
CutterNumber String Yes  
CallNumberSuffix String Yes  
CopyNumber String Yes  
VolumeNumber String Yes  
TemporaryShelfLocation String Yes  
PublicNote String Yes  
NonPublicNote String Yes  
Price Decimal Yes  
LoanableOutsideSystem Boolean No  
NonCirculating Boolean No  
RenewalLimit Int32 Yes  
Holdable Boolean No  
HoldableByPickup Boolean No  
HoldPickupBranchID Int32 No  
HoldableByLibrary Boolean No  
HoldableByBranch Boolean No  
HoldableByPrimaryLender Boolean No  
PhysicalCondition String Yes  
NameOfPiece String Yes  
FundingSource String Yes  
ShelvingSchemeID Int32 Yes  
ItemStatusID Int32 Yes  
AssociatedBibRecordID Int32 Yes  
ParentItemRecordID Int32 Yes  
AssignedBranchID Int32 Yes  
AssignedCollectionID Int32 Yes  
MaterialTypeID Int32 Yes  
FreeTextBlock String Yes  
ManualBlockID Int32 Yes  
FineCodeID Int32 Yes  
LoanPeriodCodeID Int32 Yes  
StatisticalCodeID Int32 Yes  
ShelfLocationID Int32 Yes  
DisplayInPAC Boolean No  
Name String No Required.
OrganizationOwnerID Int32 Yes  
ReserveAssignedBranchID Int32 Yes  
ReserveAssignedCollectionID Int32 Yes  
ReserveShelfLocationID Int32 Yes  
ReserveLoanPeriodCodeID Int32 Yes  
ReserveFineCodeID Int32 Yes  
ReserveRenewalLimit Int32 No  
ReserveHoldable Int32 No  
CopyRightFeeRequired Boolean Yes  
CopyrightCompliance Int32 Yes  
CopyrightFee Decimal Yes  
CopyrightFeePaid Boolean Yes  
LimitedToLibUse Boolean Yes  
LibraryCopy Boolean No  
DeleteWhenDone Boolean No  
ActionWhenDone Int32 Yes  
RequiresFullCataloging Boolean Yes  
Purchase Boolean No  
ReserveStatus Int32 No  
StartDate DateTime Yes  
EndDate DateTime Yes  
Note String Yes  
HomeBranchID Int32 Yes  
ItemDoesNotFloat Boolean No  
DonorFirstName String Yes  
DonorMiddleName String Yes  
DonorLastName String Yes  
DonorCorporateName String Yes  
DoNotMailToPatron Boolean No  
DelayedHoldsFlag Boolean No  
DelayedNumberOfDays Int32 Yes  
LanguageID Int16 Yes  
Request body
application/json, text/json
  "SystemWideOwnerID": 5,
  "CallNumberPrefix": null,
  "ClassificationNumber": null,
  "CutterNumber": null,
  "CallNumberSuffix": null,
  "CopyNumber": null,
  "VolumeNumber": null,
  "TemporaryShelfLocation": null,
  "PublicNote": null,
  "NonPublicNote": null,
  "Price": null,
  "LoanableOutsideSystem": false,
  "NonCirculating": false,
  "RenewalLimit": 0,
  "Holdable": true,
  "HoldableByPickup": true,
  "HoldPickupBranchID": 5,
  "HoldableByLibrary": false,
  "HoldableByBranch": false,
  "HoldableByPrimaryLender": false,
  "PhysicalCondition": null,
  "NameOfPiece": null,
  "FundingSource": null,
  "ShelvingSchemeID": 0,
  "ItemStatusID": 15,
  "AssociatedBibRecordID": 0,
  "ParentItemRecordID": 0,
  "AssignedBranchID": 5,
  "AssignedCollectionID": 11,
  "MaterialTypeID": 6,
  "FreeTextBlock": null,
  "ManualBlockID": 0,
  "FineCodeID": 15,
  "LoanPeriodCodeID": 3,
  "StatisticalCodeID": 5,
  "ShelfLocationID": 0,
  "DisplayInPAC": true,
  "Name": "Adult Music",
  "OrganizationOwnerID": 5,
  "ReserveAssignedBranchID": 0,
  "ReserveAssignedCollectionID": 0,
  "ReserveShelfLocationID": 0,
  "ReserveLoanPeriodCodeID": 0,
  "ReserveFineCodeID": 0,
  "ReserveRenewalLimit": 0,
  "ReserveHoldable": 0,
  "CopyRightFeeRequired": false,
  "CopyrightCompliance": 0,
  "CopyrightFee": null,
  "CopyrightFeePaid": false,
  "LimitedToLibUse": false,
  "LibraryCopy": false,
  "DeleteWhenDone": false,
  "ActionWhenDone": 0,
  "RequiresFullCataloging": false,
  "Purchase": false,
  "ReserveStatus": 1,
  "StartDate": null,
  "EndDate": null,
  "Note": null,
  "HomeBranchID": 5,
  "ItemDoesNotFloat": false,
  "DonorFirstName": null,
  "DonorMiddleName": null,
  "DonorLastName": null,
  "DonorCorporateName": null,
  "DoNotMailToPatron": false,
  "DelayedHoldsFlag": false,
  "DelayedNumberOfDays": null,
  "LanguageID": 2

Response Information

true is returned upon success.

HTTP Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK. Success
400 Bad request
404 Invalid object ID