Invoice Line Item Data

Get Invoice Line Item Data by ID

GET /api/.../invlineitems/{id}

Returns invoice line item data by id.

Request Information

Name Type Required Description
id Integer Yes The unique id assigned to the invoice line item.

Response Information

application/json, text/json
  "InvoiceID": 9213,
  "POLineItemID": 171155,
  "BibliographicRecordID": 779371,
  "CheckDate": null,
  "CheckNumber": null,
  "CreationDate": "2009-05-15T15:14:28.477-04:00",
  "CreatorID": 897,
  "DiscPriceUnitBase": 5,
  "DiscRate": 0,
  "InvLINumber": 1,
  "ISBN_ISSN": "9780000000057",
  "ListPriceUnitBase": 5,
  "ModifierID": 897,
  "ModificationDate": "2009-05-15T15:15:04-04:00",
  "Notes": null,
  "POLINumber": 1,
  "PONumber": "CT 44302 3",
  "PurchaseOrderID": 6292,
  "PONumberSuf": "kek",
  "ShippedDate": null,
  "VchrDate": "2009-05-15T00:00:00-04:00",
  "VchrNumber": null,
  "PaymentStatusID": 7,
  "PaymentStatusDate": "2009-05-15T15:15:04.15-04:00",
  "MaterialTypeID": 1,
  "CatalogNumber": null,
  "Title": "Iceland",
  "Author": "author. ,
  "InvNumber": "ct 44302 3",
  "InvNumberSuf": "kek",
  "CreatorName": "clark",
  "ModifierName": "clark",
  "PaymentStatus": "Paid",
  "NormalizedISBN": "9780000000057",
  "NormalizedISSN": null,
  "NormalizedUPC": null,
  "NormalizedOCLC": null,
  "MARCLCCN": "   99916234",
  "PublicationYear": 2005,
  "DisplayInPAC": 1,
  "Alert": false,
  "Edition": null,
  "Publisher": "Image Entertainment,",
  "InvoiceTypeID": 1,
  "SalesTaxRate1" : 0.08,
  "ISBNPriceList": [],
  "OtherStandardIdentifiers": [

HTTP Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK. Success
  • Bad request
  • Invalid invoice line item ID

Required Permissions

Permission IDs found here.

    CR_AccessAcquisitions_Allow (),
    CR_Invoices_Access (based on owner ID)