Export Record Set Contents

Export Record Set

POST /api/.../recordsets/{id}/records/file?filename={filename}&sortByPropertyName={sortByPropertyName}&sortDescending={sortDescending}

Export record set's contents to an Excel 2007 .xlsx file.

Request Information

Name Type Required Description
id Integer Yes ID of record set to export.
filename String Yes Name of file to save and return to caller.
sortByPropertyName String No Object's property name to sort contents by. Valid values:
  • AssignedBranch
  • Author
  • Barcode
  • CallNumber
  • City
  • Collection
  • ControlNumber
  • FormatDescription
  • Heading
  • IsName
  • IsSeries
  • IsSubject
  • LastActivityDate
  • Library
  • LinkedBibCount
  • LinkedHoldCount
  • LinkedItemCount
  • LinkedSeeAlsoCount
  • MaterialType
  • NonFilingTuple
  • PatronName
  • PublicationDate
  • RecordID
  • RecordStatus
  • RecordStatusID
  • RecordStatusName
  • ShelfLocation
  • SortTitle
  • State
  • Status
  • Street
  • Title
  • Volume
  • Zip
sortDescending Boolean No Sort records in descending order. Only used when sortByPropertyName is supplied.

Response Information

Example Response
application/json, text/json
  "FileID": "PatronRecordSet_expiredpatrons_20180517163316_xlsx"


HTTP Response Codes

Code Description
200 Success
400 Bad request
403 Permission(s) not granted.