Media Patron Photo

Get Patron Photo

GET /media/.../patrons/{id}/photo

Returns patron photo from the photo library.

GET /media/.../patrons/{id}/photo?size={size}

Returns patron photo from the photo library. Also accept size requests via querystring value. The height of the requested size is calculated via aspect ratio of the fixed width. In case of no size request specified, it returns the image as it is from the database.

The media methods work to return raw streaming data for direct use within web pages. For example, you may use this method to create an HTML IMG tag.
<img src="http://yourserver/Polaris.ApplicationServices/media/v1/en/1/1/patrons/299377/photo?size=thumbnail" />

Request Information

Name Type Required Description
id Integer Yes The unique id assigned to the patron.
size String No Image size valid values:
  • "thumbnail" (width = 50)
  • "small" (width = 120)
  • "medium" (width = 240)
  • "large" (width = 480)

Response Information


HTTP Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK. Success