Update Supplier


PUT /api/.../suppliers/{supplierid}

Update supplier record. Pass in Dto containing the supplier data.

Request Information

Name Type Required Description
supplierid Integer Yes The id of the supplier record.
DtoSupplierUpdate Supplier Yes Define this parameter in the request body.
discRateChangeAllowed bool No Indicator to allow save when modifying discount rate for supplier that is linked to one or more PO templates.
Property Type Nullable Description
ElecCommFlag bool No The EDI Setup EDI Orders are accepted.
LBAcctNumber string Yes The Supplier Account.
RecordName string No The unique Alternative name assigned to the Supplier.
SupplierName string No The unique name assigned to the Supplier.
SupplierSAN string Yes The 7 character Supplier SAN, required when EDI orders accepted.
SupplierSANSuf string Yes The 5 character Supplier SAN Suffix, required when EDI orders accepted.
SupplierSANPre string Yes The 1 character Supplier SAN Prefix, required when EDI orders accepted.
OrganizationID string Yes The unique id assigned to the Organization.
Note string Yes Supplier Note
DiscRate decimal Yes Supplier Discount rate.
PlanNote string Yes Supplier Plan Note
MaxClaims int Yes Max claims
ClmWtPer1 int Yes Claim waiting period Days after release/expected arrival.
ClmWtPer2 int Yes Claim waiting period days after 1st claim.
ClmWtPer3 int Yes Claim waiting period days after 2nd claim.
ClmWtPer4 int Yes Claim waiting period days after 3rd claim.
ClmWtPer5 int Yes Claim waiting period days after 4th claim.
ClmNoticeInd bool Yes Claim notice indicator
CanNoticeInd bool Yes Cancel notice indicator
AutoCancelInd bool Yes Auto cancel indicator
CanWtPer int Yes Cancel wait period
DeliveryOptionID int Yes Delivery option for claim notice
CurrencyID int No Currency identifier
ExternalID string Yes Financial External ID
ClaimCP DtoContactPerson Yes Claim contact person
ClaimAddress DtoAddress Yes Claim address
OrderingCP DtoContactPerson Yes Ordering contact person
OrderingAddress DtoAddress Yes Ordering address
PaymentCP DtoContactPerson Yes Payment contact person
PaymentAddress DtoAddress Yes Payment address
ElectronicCommunications DtoElectronicCommunications Yes EDI Setup
Property Type Nullable Description
ContactPersonID int No Contact Person ID
Name string Yes Contact Person name.
EmailAddress string Yes Contact Person email address.
PhoneNumberOne string Yes Contact Person phone number one.
PhoneNumberTwo string Yes Contact Person phone number two.
FaxNumber string Yes Contact Person fax number.
Property Type Nullable Description
AddressID int No Address ID
PostalCodeID int Yes Postal Code ID.
PostalCode DtoPostalCode Yes Postal Code object.
StreetOne string Yes Address street one.
StreetTwo string Yes Address street two.
StreetThree string Yes Address street three.
ZipPlusFour string Yes Address zip plus four.
MunicipalityName string Yes Address municipality name.
application/json, text/json
      "ElecCommFlag": true,
      "LBAcctNumber": null,
      "RecordName": "ts1",
      "SupplierName": "Test supplier 1",
      "SupplierSAN": "fffdsad",
      "SupplierSANSuf": null,
      "SupplierSANPre": null,
      "OrganizationID": 101,
      "Note": "general note",
      "DiscRate": 0,
      "PlanNote": "plan note",
      "MaxClaims": 3,
      "ClmWtPer1": 4,
      "ClmWtPer2": 5,
      "ClmWtPer3": 6,
      "ClmWtPer4": null,
      "ClmWtPer5": null,
      "ClmNoticeInd": true,
      "CanNoticeInd": false,
      "AutoCancelInd": false,
      "CanWtPer": null,
      "DeliveryOptionId": 2,
      "CurrencyID": 1,
      "ExternalID": "",
      "ClaimCP": {
        "ContactPersonID": 5749,
        "Name": "tom smith",
        "EmailAddress": "test@iii.com",
        "PhoneNumberOne": null,
        "PhoneNumberTwo": null,
        "FaxNumber": null
      "ClaimAddress": {
        "AddressID": 1169052,
        "PostalCodeID": 6473,
        "PostalCode": {
          "PostalCodeID": 6473,
          "Code": "13204",
          "City": "SYRACUSE",
          "State": "NY",
          "CountryID": 1,
          "Country": {
            "CountryID": 1,
            "Name": "USA",
            "PostalCodeFormat": "99999-9999",
            "PostalCodeLength": 5,
            "MinZipCodeLength": 0,
            "StateRequired": true
          "County": "ONONDAGA"
        "StreetOne": "123 abc",
        "StreetTwo": null,
        "StreetThree": null,
        "ZipPlusFour": null,
        "MunicipalityName": null
      "OrderingCP": {
        "ContactPersonID": 5747,
        "Name": "",
        "EmailAddress": null,
        "PhoneNumberOne": null,
        "PhoneNumberTwo": null,
        "FaxNumber": null
      "OrderingAddress": {
        "AddressID": 1169050,
        "PostalCodeID": 6473,
        "PostalCode": {
          "PostalCodeID": 6473,
          "Code": "13204",
          "City": "SYRACUSE",
          "State": "NY",
          "CountryID": 1,
          "Country": {
            "CountryID": 1,
            "Name": "USA",
            "PostalCodeFormat": "99999-9999",
            "PostalCodeLength": 5,
            "MinZipCodeLength": 0,
            "StateRequired": true
          "County": "ONONDAGA"
        "StreetOne": null,
        "StreetTwo": null,
        "StreetThree": null,
        "ZipPlusFour": null,
        "MunicipalityName": null
      "PaymentCP": {
        "ContactPersonID": 5748,
        "Name": "",
        "EmailAddress": null,
        "PhoneNumberOne": null,
        "PhoneNumberTwo": null,
        "FaxNumber": null
      "PaymentAddress": {
        "AddressID": 1169051,
        "PostalCodeID": 6473,
        "PostalCode": {
          "PostalCodeID": 6473,
          "Code": "13204",
          "City": "SYRACUSE",
          "State": "NY",
          "CountryID": 1,
          "Country": {
            "CountryID": 1,
            "Name": "USA",
            "PostalCodeFormat": "99999-9999",
            "PostalCodeLength": 5,
            "MinZipCodeLength": 0,
            "StateRequired": true
          "County": "ONONDAGA"
        "StreetOne": null,
        "StreetTwo": null,
        "StreetThree": null,
        "ZipPlusFour": null,
        "MunicipalityName": null
      "ElectronicCommunication": {
        "ElecCommID": 3724,
        "SupplierID": 3729,
        "Address": "a",
        "Notes": null,
        "EnrichedEDI": true,
        "DefaultGetDir": "POA/INV directory",
        "DefaultPutDir": "PO directory",
        "POFileExt": "PO file ex",
        "FTPUserName": "b",
        "FTPPassword": "c",
        "ProfileTypeID": 1,
        "InterchangeCtrlNumber": 1,
        "GroupCtrlNumber": 1,
        "TransactionSetCtrlNumber": 1,
        "isbnflag": true,
        "ASNShipments": false

Response Information

True is returned upon success.

application/json, text/json

HTTP Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK. Success
400 Bad request.
404 Not Found.