Offline Transactions

Create Transaction Set

POST /api/.../offlinetransactions

Create an offline transaction set. A transaction set contains a filename, header and list of transactions. This data will be used by the Automated Offline Circulation Upload Processing utility (AOCUP.exe).

If the transaction set is successfully created, a 200 status is returned with the transaction set ID in the body of the response. If an error occurs, a 400 status is returned.

Header format:

  • 1|HH:MM:SS|MM DD YY|Offline Org ID|Offline User ID|WSID|Version
  • eg: 1|16:14:53|May 28 2019|3|5014|3284|
Checkout Transaction Format:
  • 2|HH:MM:SS|Patron Barcode|Item Barcode|Loan Units|Loan Period
  • eg: 2|16:15:04|21756003332060|1234567|1|28

Request Information

Name Type Required Description
filename String Yes The name of the transaction set. 255 characters max. May not contains \ / : * ? " < > |
header String Yes The transaction header. 4000 characters max.
transactions Array of strings Yes The list of transactions. A transaction may not exceed 4000 characters.

These should be placed in the body of the request. If using JSON as the format, include a header value for Content-Type of "application/json".

Example request body:

    "filename": "PTF_2019061214514165_CIRC15.TRN",
    "header": "1|14:51:41|June 12 2019|3|1|1233|0.1",
    "transactions": [

Response Information

Example - 200
application/json, text/json
Example - 400
application/json, text/json
  "ErrorCode": 10000,
  "Message": "Header is invalid.",
  "MessageDetail": null,
  "StackTrace": null,
  "InnerException": null,
  "Data": null

HTTP Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK. Transaction set was created.
400 FAILURE. An error occurred.